Friday, February 29, 2008

Rule The World

As we all notice, today (or rather this post) is dated February 29th.
The once-in-1460-days day is here.
Maybe it'll help someone to kickstart a revolution, overthrow existing bureucracies and rule the world?? Any despotic dictatorship (no pun intended) will benefit from being 'celebrated' once every four years, officially quartering any long reigns they may accumulate. But then they age just as normal, so probably there's only going to be less parading around.

I read an article on one of the free papers about 'leap year holiday', and wondered whether anybody actually coined arguments convincing enough to be passed on as a public holiday. Feb 29 is one of these rare days that don't happen every year... so to me it sounds reasonable enough to celebrate the day :)) Possibly the rarest Feb 29 is one that took place in the year 2000, as only in every four '00 years will the year be a leap year - that's four hundred years for me and you.

On the same note, let me offer my congratulatory expressions to those who were born/married/have some sort of important occasions to celebrate today. And yes, I can't stop musing about what would happen if Mark and Viv were to marry today instead of tomorrow...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

on the 29th feb, women have to propose to men in ireland :)