Saturday, October 07, 2006

(Sudoku mania)

This is my best record so far - yay!

Now that I've reached a personal milestone [of a trivial nature], I'm burying my head in books. Another miscellaneous thing of note is it took exactly two days to print and deliver my pictures - a venerable time record indeed. I will definitely be using the service over and over again.

I was doing my photojournal when I came across really interesting pictures... one of them is this hilarious-looking watermelon. I love it ^^


Harph said... masih aja demen maen sudoku..
Iyah... sayang anda tidak ikut ke bne... seru lohhh.. ahahhaha... ^^
January mungkin balik indo sih..^^
Mo ke palembang?

Devi Girsang, MD said...

Hm have never tried Sudoku game before. Don't really like numbers game LOL. That's why I call it murder by numbers! hahahaha

mukuge said...

@harfil: Ti, gw pengen pempeknya aja ^^ kirimin yg banyak biar bisa gw jual lagi di sini... hahaha :D tumben baliknya Jan bukan Dec, ada acara khusus kah? Sedih juga nih udah 2x ga ikutan Agustusan/Septemberan di sono, I miss you guys.

@devi: London's free papers are feeding my addiction on a daily basis. They are pretty good time-killers, and occasionally I got carried away on the net... sudoku is a potent killer indeed!

Rumah Kiyut said...

Hi r u??? Still remember me? Kamu ternyata jauh amat yah sekarang. Wow, I found your blog coz I read Wimar talk about it...

Visit mine too, ok.

Waloo said...

Sudoku solver for android is one of the most popular free word games of all time for the smart you! A type of puzzle whose completion requires each of typically 9 rows and columns and every of as many usually square subregions to contain, without duplication, 1 up to 9 or the grid dimension controlled both by finger and keyboard.
? 3 levels from very beginners to the expert :
- Easy (100 puzzles).
- Medium (100 puzzles).
- Hard (100 puzzles).
? Pencil marks with auto fill / erase, as specified in settings.
? 90 levels.
? Sudoku solver has clean interface and smooth controls.
? The world’s most advanced Sudoku learning tool.
? Portrait and Landscape Views.
? Selected digit and various other highlighting options.
? Clear notes, Auto-save.
? This Sudoku very easy.