Wednesday, January 14, 2009

why education matters, and a degree is now worthless

This is an important talk on the current state of educational hierarchy and its increasing lack of relevance towards economic progress and, conversely, the future workplace.

What do you think?


Devi Girsang, MD said...

Emang bener sih, karena toh banyak orang yg sukses tanpa gelar :D Pernah denger ga, metafora yg hampir mendekati fakta; klo dalam 1 perusahaan - pekerjanya kebanyakan anak IPA dan bosnya anak IPS?

Gw aja kaget pas tau faktanya. Ternyata pada kenyataannya memang begitu. Tau ga apa yg terjadi pada alumni Sanur? Bukan menghina sih, gw bangga kok jadi alumni Sanur.

Salut ama disiplinnya, tapi sayang sebenernya ga perlu se-strict itu. Yg penting, encourage anak2 sanur utk creative thinking (sukur2 bisa invent something dan jadi penerima nobel berikutnya), ga cuma perfeksionis buat kerjain assignments doank.

Tapi balik lagi ke sistem pendidikan di Indo sih. Klo dibahas (like we had one) mah ga ada abis2nya ngritik sana-sini, capek. Belajar banyak, taunya sedikit. Klo di luar negeri kan belajar sedikit (sesuai interest si anak) tapi taunya banyak, karena sampai mendetil.

Untung kita tau hal2 kayak gini sebelum punya anak yah :P Hehehehe...

mukuge said...

mmm, what was the goss on alumni Sanur?

Seinget gw, belajar menghitung volume kubik diulang sampe 3x: kelas 4 SD, kelas 1 SMP, kelas 1 SMA. Oh my! Formulanya sama, semuanya sama. Encouragements for students to observe and pick up logical patterns are also lacking.

Selain itu, attitude guru juga bisa nggak profesional karena ada masalah dengan self-pride, ego etc. I once had a teacher who told me to rip off four weeks' worth of cross-stitch work because she was the cross-stitching teacher and not the domestic helper at home, and she "wasn't the one who taught me so". She may have a point in ensuring no students cheated, but she did it at cost of the student's indignation and loss of drive to excel in that subject.

Oiya, bokap gw juga bilang... "does educating measure creativity and innovative potential?" Now, what do you think?