Friday, August 24, 2007

One Day I'll Fly Away

Horses and airplanes.

These two methods of transport are rather unusual; what's more, their first human rides were separated by millenias. Both seem to be testosterone-charged and therefore considered to be more befitting of male participation.

Perceptions aside, I am interested in being able to ride horses properly as well as fly planes. I've taken riding trips in the past... I haven't gotten far with flying aircraft (only to the extent of doing take-offs and landings on flight simulation), so I would need to work on it. Probably it's a romantic notion of commanding battles etc that might have made the idea sound even more appealing, but anyway... being able to steer airplanes is a useful set of skills.

Oh, and I did consider getting a truck driving licence while still working at Astra...

You can call me a bunch of weird thoughts if that suits you :))


Anonymous said...

Go get it girl, there's nothing weird under the sun...

btw, why don't you offer subscription by e-mail and I'll be the first to subscribe

Anonymous said...

ntar kalo udah balik lagi jangan lupa oleh-olehnya ya :D

mukuge said...

@aroengbinang: sounds interesting... how do you think I should do it?

@ayahshiva: :))