Wednesday, April 20, 2005


For no apparent reason, I just want to blog. Let's start.

Today I found out that RoQ is even more talented in doing jayus lines that I am... and he did it with a poetic tongue as well. It was done in a similar line with Sontex's request to his G.A., the difference being his (Sontex's) was more straightforward. Probably I should resign from my position of jayusness and adopt a more crunchy/corny stance instead.

Tomorrow there is the French class... it's in the morning, and I barely had preparations for the class. I could only think of bringing my dictionnary, and of re-reading grammatical structure rules before going into the class. I also need to prepare for my entrance test tomorrow. Guess things have to be done A.S.A.P. before forgetting to bring something important. Tomorrow I'll also be having a work experience.

Poinky's computer is playing up today. Having a personal firewall and a Trojan horse destroyer would actually be beneficial.

Aaah, I'm losing my passion in writing my blog today... I couldn't forget how I could act so foolish despite all I have learnt. Seems like I want a two-edged sword hanging around me. Aaaargh... *hides inside the pantry*

(I'm lost for words, apparently.)

OK, that's it for today. Hopefully something good will come out of it. Take care...

Si tu vieras fe como grano de mostaza
E so lo dice el Señor
Si tu vieras fe como grano de mostaza
E so lo dice el Señor

Tu le dirias a la montaña
Mueve te, mueve te...
Tu le dirias a la montaña
Mueve te, mueve te!

E sa montaña se movera
Se movera, se movera...

1 comment:

mukuge said...

Sdr. RoQ menerbitkan sebuah puisi, yang memberikan kesan yang sangat misleading untuk saudara2 lain yang membacanya. Terima kasih dan sekian komentar dari saya ^^