Wednesday, February 23, 2011

when shit hits the fan...

Improvise, keep working, and run with it.

Visitors to my previous London flat (where I learnt to sleep through throngs of drunk noisy clubbers) would have noticed a small piece of paper stuck to the wall: KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. This is the attitude I'm holding, although if my skull has a zip whoever unzips it could clearly see the murky stress contained within.

All in all, stress and dissatisfaction do good in small doses.
For if one was entirely satisfied with life, what would one want to change for the better? Getting complacent is like a frog getting slowly simmered to death. Although yes, I could do with more time/labour help/facilities.

On a tangent, my USB stopped wanting to be 'recognised' by my dear laptop. Someone I knew (with a similar dongle, on the same network, using laptop) was so determined to use his, he would uninstall and reinstall the dongle recognition software every time he would connect to the internet. Yesterday morning his computer kicked the bucket. So today, in the spirit of preventing my laptop from kicking the bucket early, I decided to take the leap and cancel the subscription by phone. It took 30 minutes.

February tend to be my gloomy month of the year: low morale, fed up with winter, even back in the days of primary school my lowest term results would be ones released in February. But I'll plow on, because good times are just around the corner.

Take care!

P.S. on a lesser note, I find that I need to drill myself in business French. Conversational, the I-come-from-the-other-side-of-the-world, what-you-wanna-eat stuff is OK. The so-how-much-duties-will-be-charged stuff needs some work on.

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