Sunday, July 12, 2009

pants on fire

So when I went to work on Friday, I got off the bus at Cambridge Circus and was greeted with what seems to be an unusually smoky atmosphere.
(By the way, if you're expecting this blog to be a twittering source of up-to-the-minute journalistic news, it is with regretful pain I remind you that Mr Google could supply you with an abundance of that, and sadly this blog-writer comes loaded with satire and grossly inobjective opinions. Well, whatever you make of it, really.)

What made it interesting was because the said fire started in an office building. Office building = papers + computers + aircon system. No fire, noting the smoking ban in public spaces. So... I felt rather inclined to adopt a Soho restaurant manager's suggestion (after being asked "does that building house a restaurant?") that is more conspiratorial than Englishly decent, that maybe someone got disgruntled and set fire to the building. Which made my opinion of bankers and financiers inch slightly more towards that 'debit' side of journals, personality-wise. Of course, this opinion is a crude collective average, and individuals may do rather well to debunk this myth.

Aside from this issue, other bits of news from me are:
- I didn't know Fanny Hill is a period drama
- I signed up for the Fourth Plinth... hee hee heee

Alright then, that's all for now - have a good day!

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